Understanding Your Flo Business Bill

Guide To Flo Invoice

Easy and simple

We kept our bill as simple as possible because we know nobody likes to spend time trying to figure it out. Here’s a handy guide to our bill.


First Page


On the top of the bill, you can find your contact details, alongside the Tax Invoice number and your Flo Account number.



The amount payable and due date is displayed clearly for your convenience.



Additional details about your plan, including the premise address and MSSL number are displayed here.



The Bill Summary section shows the total amount payable for the current billing period.



The Payment section shows your current recurring payment method. If you do not have any recurring payment set up, the list of accepted payment methods will be displayed on the last page.


Second page


The Bill Breakdown section shows you a detailed view of your current charges.

If you have any pass-through or ad-hoc charges, they will be displayed as a separate line item.

Rebates and discount that applies to you will be displayed here as well.



The Energy Usage shows your consumption trend over the past 10 billing periods.


Third page


If you do not have any recurring payment set up, you will see a list of accepted payment methods on the last page. Depending on your contract, certain payment methods might not be available to you.

Flo Energy Singapore Pte. Ltd.

270 Middle Road #02-01 Singapore 188993

+65 6223 1000


Flo Energy SG

Flo Energy AU

Flo Energy Singapore is a licensed electricity retailer by Energy Market Authority (EMA/RE/041).

Our UEN/GST Registration number is 202006009E.

©2019-2024 Flo Energy Singapore

All rights reserved.